Monday, May 7, 2012

Retarded Moments

Meet my childhood friend, Chesca.
We've known each other since birth.
We like to stay at home and get retarded,
rather than go to parties and get drunk.
But hey, we're just being real.

Hi, Chesnut!
This one's for you and me.

I love you forever! =*

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Chemical Romance

 I've been inspired by this band since 5th grade.
And now, they're as gorgeous as ever.
They've changed from "dark, dead, and gothic" 

to "colorful, drop-dead, super heroes"

Gonna love this band forever.
F O R E V E R.

Not just because of their looks, of course.
But also because of their heart-striking songs
and their unique purpose of forming a band :
to inspire people to make the world a better place.

Still, I can't help but miss the way they looked before.
Kinda missing Bob Bryar , too.
No offense, really.

Mint Green!

Haven't updated this blog for quite a long time.
I guess you could say I got a little busy.
Here's one of my favorite colors, Mint Green. ♡